Monday, November 12, 2007

Are you ready?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about becoming a parent. Like all the time. Not a day goes by without someone asking me “How’s Nicole feeling? Is her belly getting big?” or “When are you guys due?” I love the way that people get excited about our baby. It seems like pregnancy is one of the things in life that pretty much makes everybody happy. Especially when they hear it’s our first. Their faces light up. True, most of these people already have kids of their own. They have these knowing smiles.

A friend told me recently “the first time they look at you and smile – you’re finished.” People say funny things about becoming a parent – and not all positive. I know they don’t mean to be negative, so I try to take it with a grain of salt. It seems like after they’ve made it through the trying early weeks of first time parenthood; they sort of chuckle at those who have yet to go through that. Some people, guys mostly, warn me about losing all my freedom and spending money. “Your life will never be the same man.” That’s ok by me. I feel like having a child is the logical next step in life and once I realized that, I wanted it more than anything. I’ve had my wild years like everybody else. When you don’t have a care in the world and all you want to do is hang out with your friends. Nicole and I have had so much fun as childless parents too – going out all the time, having drinks, sleeping in, laying around the house all day on Sunday. It’s not that we wouldn’t continue to enjoy life as just two, but the thought of a little baby sleeping between us on the bed makes me so happy. True, the young parents that we know seem really busy and tired, but they also look incredibly happy. When I see other parents holding their babies, I just can’t wait to have that in my own life.

I try to explain this to people who ask if I feel ready to be a parent. I want to say I’ve had my fun, but that doesn’t quite fit. I’m ready for more fun! Maybe we’ll be overwhelmed at times by all the craziness that comes with having a baby, but I know we’ll be alright. I am so happy and so lucky. Soon we’ll meet this little person we made. Maybe I’ll see Nicole in its little brown eyes or cute little dimples. Maybe I’ll see my own face.

I can’t say for certain that I’m ready. This feels like the sort of thing you can’t truly prepare for. It just happens to you, like falling in love or having your heart broken. But no matter what, I know that this baby will be born from love. And that seems like a pretty good start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm crying right now. well done.