Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day One

Matthew left this morning for six days of traveling in Europe and the Middle East with the president. For me, it's one bedtime down. I'm trying to take a more relaxed approach to this trip. Last time Matthew traveled, I jam packed my schedule, partly because I thought it would help the time to go by faster if I kept busy. But, I was very, very tired at the end of it. So, I'm just going to try to chill a bit, even if it makes things a little monotonous. So what if we go to the same two parks every single day, right? As long as it doesn't require too much effort, it's fine with me. And, Jonah couldn't care less. In fact, he would probably love to climb on the fire truck at Walter Pierce playground every singe day!

Jonah talked a lot today about his Daddy. "Prip!" he said. "Yes, Daddy went on a trip," I said. "Daaaa-deeee!" he said with a big, wide smile.

I started dinner early today because it's the hardest time of day. Jonah is not only tired and hungry but also wants a lot of attention, which clearly makes it difficult to cook his dinner. He doesn't know what time it is so I didn't mind feeding him dinner about 45 minutes earlier than usual. It worked out well because he went to sleep a little earlier, too, which gave me extra time to clean the kitchen. I still have to feed the cats, clean the litter box and take a shower, but I wanted to take a minute to jot a few thoughts down about Day One.

I know Matthew is going to miss Jonah terribly. So, I'm going to try to post a few things now and then over the days he is away. Words, but also photos of the little boy who is growing so very fast. I'm sure he will seem taller and bigger and more grown up when Matthew gets home, but meanwhile, he (and everyone) can enjoy some snippets of his life this week. ~ Nicole


eliza said...

yay, monotony. i think you're right, actually - jonah will like it. might as well not wear yourself out.

matthew cavanaugh said...

I love you baby!